Spinal dislocations may lead to spinal cord injuries

Spinal dislocations happen when the ligaments around the spinal column are torn or stretched abnormally. This can result in the spine moving out of position. The vertebrae may lock over each other, which then could cause pressure on the spinal cord.

If this kind of injury happens in a car accident, it’s essential to take the victim to the hospital and to start treatment right away. Usually, spinal dislocations are corrected with a reduction procedure. This is performed externally with traction in some cases, but in others, surgical intervention will be necessary. Spinal dislocations may also require fusion surgery to join two vertebrae and prevent them from slipping out of position again.

A spinal dislocation may also be called a subluxation when it isn’t a complete dislocation. A partial dislocation may allow the vertebrae to move abnormally and cause injuries to the spinal cord over time.

What are the symptoms of a spinal dislocation?

Spinal subluxations can cause all kinds of unusual symptoms. Some of the symptoms someone with this condition may have include:

  • Low energy
  • Dizziness and a loss of balance
  • Digestive problems
  • Abnormal blood pressure
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Impaired lung function
  • Neck pain

In severe cases, it is possible for a dislocation to be life-threatening. This is part of the reason why it’s so important to let the emergency team know if a spinal injury is suspected. The team will carefully stabilize the individual’s neck and spinal column to make sure they get the medical care they need without causing further damage.

Spinal cord damage may last for the long-term

Spinal cord injuries may have a negative impact on your life in the long-term. Once this damage occurs, it is often difficult to recover. That’s why early treatment to prevent further swelling or damage is absolutely essential.

Get medical care to help yourself after a collision

After a crash, get medical care right away, even if you’re not sure that you’ve been injured. Diagnosing this kind of condition, and treating it as soon as possible, will help prevent serious complications that could result from delayed treatment. After you’re stable, you can look into making a claim for compensation.

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