Monthly Archives: December 2015

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APS CFO returns with new title same salary

APS CFO Don Moya plans to return to work on February 15 but will have a new title, Financial Systems Architect. The new title maintains the same salary, but the job description is clearly a demotion, states his attorney Kate Ferlic. “This is a significant…

Don Moya plans return to APS despite reassignment

Despite the job title change from CFO to Financial Systems Architect, Don Moya plans to return to Albuquerque Public Schools after being placed on administrative leave in August without an explanation. According to Don Moya’s attorney Kate Ferlic, “It sounds like a job in the…

Don Moya reassigned at APS

After almost 4 months of being on administrative leave, Don Moya was officially reassigned at Albuquerque Public Schools. The CFO’s job title is now Financial Systems Architect, a job that involves “moving and lifting 25 pound boxes”, and according to Moya’s attorney Kate Ferlic, “pushing…

Girls School granted an injunction against neighbor

The Santa Fe Girls’ School was granted an injunction against neighbor Ed Sceery after Sceery admitted to placing a metal contraption with spikes in the river the middle schoolers frequent for their environmental and science projects. Sceery claims the girls environmental activities are attracting beavers…

Judge Ellington recuses himself from Jason Wagner case

Judge Ellington announced today in court that he recused himself from the Jason Wagner case. Judge Ellington’s decision comes two weeks after Jason Wagner’s attorneys, John Day and Megan Dorsey, filed a motion to recuse Judge Ellington because he showed bias against Jason Wagner when…

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