Monthly Archives: March 2022

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Has this rule change made trucks more dangerous?

Until a few years ago, truckers recorded their hours by hand. It left a lot of room for falsification. Then, in 2017 the rules changed. Trucks now had to carry an electronic logbook device (ELD). It automatically records data about the driver’s hours, making it…

Who can support you through a divorce?

Few things in life are solo affairs, and divorce is no exception. Gaining single status will require a whole support teamto get you there. As soon as the decision to divorce is made, you need to think about who you need on your team. Tread…

Is driver fatigue excusable in a crash?

People often talk about vehicle crashes as accidents. Yet, if you are injured in a car crash and need to claim compensation, you cannot afford to see things this way. Instead, you need to look at fault. You need to gather evidence to show why…

What are the 2 main kinds of workplace sexual harassment?

Every case of sexual harassment is unique. Behaviors that offend one person might not bother another at all, and industries lend themselves to different sorts of workplace misconduct. Since there’s such a broad range of behavior that make constitute sexual harassment, some people find it…

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